• Expert teachers

    The faculty consists of qualified and experienced teachers from Kerala, Bihar and Other parts ...

  • Quality Education

    We provides all the necessary services for child education, development, safe infrastructure...

  • Life Time Support

    We usually find the safest place to educate our child when we find the most supportive administrative ...

  • Scholarship News

    The academic session is from April to March andis divided into two semesters.Regular classes ...


Devotion to high ideals and an ardent desire for social service have been the moving spirit behind the launching of St. Mary's Academy.

  • Special Education

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  • Traditional academies

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Vivamus nibh dolor gravida at eleifend

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We Are The Best Choice For Your Child

The St. mary's Academy for your child can make all the difference in his or her successful academic career. The good news is that there are many options in education beyond the school down the street today. St. mary's Academy schools offer a wider range of study than others. If it is important for your child to learn a second language in his primary grades.


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