Secretary's Message

In an era of firm competition, success can only be achieved if one makes the right kind of effort at the right time. Our motherland is blessed with rich cultural heritage, ancient human civilizations and highly hard-working young people seeking new knowledge and education.

I am proud to say that St. Mary’s Academy follows the ideals of integrated learning by giving opportunities to the students to develop their personality through different co-curricular and soft skill courses.

It has been a dream comes true for us, right from the day of its establishment. Since then we are working hard to achieve the glorious purpose of value education. An important component of the academic excellence of this institution is the remarkable faculty, who teach with skill and passion. We are committed to develop in children, not only the academic awareness, but the social, emotional and creative growth as well. We also thankfully acknowledge the support we receive from the parents, who are fully involved in the educational development of their children.

This website is a midpoint for all of us hence I request you to explore it and support us through your valuable suggestions and ideas. I am sure that your search will definitely find its quench here and you will enjoy your association with us.

Thank you so much for your great support.

Vincent M.C.


Last Updated On 06/03/2023