Aim and Objectives

                                              AIMS & OBJECTIVES 

St. Mary's Academy aims at shaping the character and personality of the young children in a homely atmosphere, free from avoidable stress, strain and compulsion, in all spheres of life - moral, physical and social. It also aims at academic excellence in arts and sports and other aspects of education.

1. To counteract the general morel degradation all around. the school would help the children to form their conscience based on deep faith in the creator, honesty and fair play, so that they grow up with healthy attitudes towards life, neighbours and circumstances.

2. SMA stands for secularism in all its connotations and inculcates in the child, reverence for all religions and the universal brotherhood of man- the spirit of give-and-take in his dealings whith his fellowmen and a spitit of tolerace towards one and all .

3. Keeping in mind the national goals of education, the Academy strives to promote national integratin by broadening the outlook of children and by fostering a feeling o oneness, patriotism and pride in their cultural heritage.

Last Updated On 31/01/2023